For a competition that invited artists to present their projects, Davide d’Elia proposed “Rinvigorito”, an ambitious work combining spaces, perceptions and technologies. We are now looking for sponsors to finance this project.

IOBOA (1) :
IOBOA, an anthropomorphous floating plastic buoy. The standard buoys are generally composed of the union of two solid cuneiform specular fgures, such a union allows them to foat, the two parts (lower / upper) the one almost completely immersed, the other emerged are antithetical and complementary; in Ioboa one part recalls the appearance of the heavy marble bust, the other one of a commonly used buoy. Contrary to its statuary reference, the buoy is light, can travel by water and on the ground, is the playful part of RINVIGORITO, the one who is present in place of the bust, but who narrates the deeds and to which it refers. Te work refers to the sense of the limit between water and air, but also to a shared experience, that of man who sees in the buoy a warning, a limit to be reached and not overcome. Ioboa will be produced in triplicate.

VR (3) :
During the permanence of the “Reinvigorito” marble bust in the waters of Forte Marghera, a video camera capable of recording high-resolution stereoscopic flms is placed in an amphibious device, which allows recording under the surface of the water to create a 360-degree video. degrees with 5K resolution. The video camera, placed in front of the work at a distance of about 3 meters, will be positioned on a pole to allow the viewer of the immersive video to have a view half-way out and for the remaining half immersed. In the exhibition, the user will be able to observe the marble band “Rinvigorito” outside and under water, thus succeeding in reviving the peculiar characteristics of the site-specifc installation of Venice in any other place, in its perpetual “Reinvigoration”.

Sunserif takes its name from a play on words: where the term “Sans serif ” used to define a particular type of typeface literally “without grace” is replaced by the word “Sun serif ” which is pronounced almost in the same way but the meaning changes with “Graceful Sun” referring to the play of transparency given by the semitransparent curtains of the work.
Sunserif is presented as an industrial curtain for the separation of the environments, anchored to the ceiling by means of a metal anchor, it is composed of 40 strips of transparent vinyl plastic worn by time and dust, opaque by volatile materials.

Sunserif is composed of 40 strips of transparent vinyl plastic, a plastic / transparent structure about the size of (8 mx 3m) used for the separation of the industrial environments of the Allufer Tempesta shipyard, here, the plastic strips have absorbed over the years : dust, minerals and degradation so that the transparent hygienic plastic has taken on an almost organic semi-transparent appearance.

On these, as for the partial cleaning procedure used on the marble of “Zio Bartoluccio” we will work by subtraction eliminating according to a predefined shape the negative out line of “Uncle Bartoluccio” immersed in his new residence of Forte Marghera (fig.1) returning so on the stripes, as already happened on the bust, the bi-temporal trace between: past and present, organic and inorganic, continuous and immobile.
Sunserif is a coagulating element of the exhibition and will position itself in the exhibition spaces that will host the second phase of Reinvigorito and will dialogue with the other elements that make up the installation.