Fabro Tranchida was born in 1987 in Buenos Aires.
A visual artist and professor of art history, Fabro holds a bachelor’s degree in art and culture management from UNTREF (Argentina) and a master’s degree in contemporary technological and performative art (University of Pays Basque).
He was recently awarded the Guggenheim Museum Prize in New York.
Fabro Tranchida, in his capacity as an artist and exhibition curator, carries out visual investigations that explore the representations of youth and masculinities in our contemporary society. It also takes a critical look at issues related to social implications, particularly in the current context marked by pervasive injustices.

His latest series, entitled “Neighborhood Hagiographies”, perfectly illustrates this approach. In this series, Tranchida explores the dynamics of friendship within the peripheral neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, with football as a unifying bond. This work was exhibited at the Wunsch gallery in Buenos Aires.